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Kamawa Santa Gertrudis Stud

quality Santa Gertrudis cattle stud and commercial bulls, & heifers at moderate prices

Kamawa Santa Gertrudis Stud specialises in producing early maturing, thick, muscly cattle, predominantly polled.

Since 1989, when Kamawa was registered as a Santa Gertrudis Stud. We have been establishing our type of polled Santa Gertrudis cattle.

After many generations, we have achieved a very quiet, docile nature –  making Kamawa cattle very easy to handle. Our type is a more thick, earlier maturing type , retaining breed character in our polled  cattle – that Santa appearance and head, with large ears.

The Coastal environment with its exposure to ticks and flies, biting midges, and other insects, 3 day sickness and the other coastal related ailments – all have gone to toughen up the Kamawa type. Consequently, they do very well in inland Australia – and move easily onto coastal properties.

A 16 month old bull we recently sent up to Klaus Cazzonelli at Malanda North Queensland is a lovely sirey type weighing 640Kg at that age, off pasture. He moved in to his new herd with cool confidence and is a standout in the herd for his size and growth- a proud young  polled Sire with good breed character, neat sheath and totally placid nature .

Kamawa Nevada N29 (P)

Kamawa Nevada N29 (P) at 27 months of age